I am a multiform conceptual artist with a social practice. I examine processes of social construct and knowledge production via the lens of science and technology studies, performance geography and posthumanism. My works exist as codes of conduct, performative interventions, multimedia installations as well as formal and informal gatherings, composting and dinner parties, repetitive manual labor. I perform absurd interpretations of ethical values and negotiate idealism within a fully diverse society, while knowingly exhibit a willingness to count on human agency to see change for the better. 
Currently, these questions itch me the most:
What does it mean to record, document, archive, memorialize? 
When our data are forgotten and outlive us, what are the implications?
Can we give data a body and compost it?
How can we embody our memories better, when external hard drives are cheap and platform-dependent cloud storage ubiquitous?
What is up with the cloud?
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